
Sketches from Life Drawing Studio

I went to the Maitland Art Center Sketch Club on Thursday night last week for the first time. It's a life drawing studio (no instruction) with a model and lasts for approx. 2 1/2 hours. It was a good, if tiring, experience as I hadn't drawn from life in quite a while and it was particularly exhausting using a part of my brain which apparently was very rusty. I saw some other artists I had met in Patrick's class and Kaye's class and met some new ones, including Bill Orr. He knew Andre Smith, the founder of the Maitland Art Center, and told me that the room we were painting in used to be his studio. He was very encouraging and says he comes to the open studio frequently. I think I'll check it out again for the great practice and experience and the price can't be beat--$10 a session.

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